Friday, October 24, 2008

Legolasfan's Posts

"If you think about it, the game has a ton of parallels to the Pyrrhic victory, as in Thror's son Thrain II attempted to re-enter the Mines (FSU, for example), but Dain stopped him and prophesied that some power other than the Dwarves must come before Durin's folk could return to Moria. Expect the Noles to cast their opponents into the proverbial Khazad-dum!!"


I got jumped at Comicon 2007 by a some mean people dressed as Ringwraiths and a random guy in a Wookie costume.

It's a long story so I'll just say that they started talking sh*t about my bow (I made it from PVC pipe). So in the common tongue, not in elvish, I told them "All of you can suck my Gildion Shaft and die in the Hadhodrond by the Sindar!!"

I lost an eye and am not deaf in my left ear.


"It's the line up. I really like Forrest Griffin, and not just because he reps the SEC and Georgia, but because he reminds me of the brutal fighter Gothmog--the second-most powerful Nazgul and chief lieutenant of Minas Morgul"


My prayers from the House of Elrond are with you. Ean-Eltharin, Tar-Eltharin, Druhir.


I am a huge Legolas fan!! I am glad you are too. If you're interested, post your email and I will send you Donald A. Wollheim's son's address where you can write to him for an original Ace Book paperback of LOTR!


Top 3 Rock Bands of All Time:

Legolas's response

1. Sad Song of Pippin
2. Sad Song of Pippin
3. Sad Song of Pippin


I want to throw the creative team behind this commercial into the eternal fires of Mordor.


Lendale is swift like the noble and wise Silvan Elves. He reminds me of Legolas in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when he takes down an Oliphaunt all by himself. KC is obviously the lumbering and now dead Oliphaunt.


I would vote for Saban. He deserves a seat next to Lord Elrond of Rivendell and listen to the flutes of Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood.



It's like comparing Ecthelion of the Fountain to the Balrog at Durin's Bane. SEC all the way!!


If McCain wins I will flee to the Bruinen and take the aide by Elrond master of Rivendell.


I think he ends up at UF because Urban Meyer will give him the Grima Wormtongue treatment of King Theoden. :(

Debose could lead the women and children of Edoras safely to Dunharrow without Eowyn help. That's how great this kid will be. Whoever gets him will be happy.


The only thing more awesome would be crossing the mountain Caradhras in a snowstorm. You good sirs should rejoice in Lothlorien.


That would be directly west of the shire, Harilindon being to the southwest. And the if you're referring to Teleri -- ie., the third of the Elf clans who came to Aman -- then the Teleri dialect would be Gandalf. With all respect, you've misspeak, my friend.

Thank you all for the kind words. I must take sleep now.


I live in San Diego and I woke just a few hours ago. My apologies in the name of the Laiquendi.

Anyway, I don't want to fight as you seem a LOTR noob and I want to encourage your exploration of Middle Earth. However, a few problems...

You're using a Third Age map to proffer a First Age conceit regarding Forilindon (ie., you're contemplating this as an actual territory rather than a geographical reference). As you know, the entire territory of Lindon came to pass in the First Age by the Beleriand. Accordingly, the NW versus SW is a misnomer as the West encompasses Lindon and the Land of Seven Rivers in total. The splitting of Lindon into North and South doesn't make them actual territories Gulf of Lune which is set forth on the map above. In other words, it is like saying I am going to South Memphis when you're still in Memphis.

In other words, you're right only if you pretend that the entire territory of Lindon, which is intact in the map above to the west is split. Indeed, it's like saying Mithlond and the Grey Havens are two different things.

I say a blessing on to you Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva


Now, let me make myself clear, I am not Sindarin myself. I am human. But I have the same keen sense of hearing and eyesight (in my good eye) as a Sindarin -- indeed, I had a dream Thranduil was my father -- so that makes Legolas my brother. In fact, my middle name is Laiqualasse -- which I did by court order -- but it means Legolas in Quenya form. So to insinuate that he is a homosexual is something I take umbrage with, just as if you called me a homosexual too. Yes. I abstain, but it is by choice.

Now you kind sir will retract your statement of you will force my hand. Do not question Legolas only yourself -- as I have tested you as Galadriel tested Boromir. Your soul is lost. Retract your statement or perish as Boromir does


I would assume he is jumping on my back to jump higher to kill, perhaps one of Saruman's Uruk-hai in a tree waiting to pounce. [I now see you were mocking me]


I am confused. Your wise and ignorant at the same time. Much like Denethor II -- a wise man that lost his way. It is like you want to fight Mordor but foolishly sends the troops to Osgiliath and the great wall of the Rammas Echor. This homosexuality nonsense, I sense, is you projecting your own sexual insecurities. But that is for the PAC-10 fans to decide, as they'd know.

Let me know if you'd be interested in Larping Helms Deep in Avila Beach next weekend. Our friend runs a Costco and have access to the warehouse and hundreds of empty boxes. It's ripe for a killer battled.


Everyone knows that Legolas's birthdate and actual age are unknown, but he is at least older than Gimli son of Gloin who is 139.

That said, during Winter Solstice my friends and I sing the following song in joy of his birth:

The forest is old, very old," said the Elf. "So old that almost I feel young again, as I have not felt since I journeyed with you children. It is old and full of memory. I could have been happy here, if I had come in days of peace.


Fellow SEC and LOTR fans. I appreciated the warm welcome on this board so, as I discussed earlier, I wanted to invite anybody that wanted to come to our Midnight and Majesty LARP. It is called Helms Deep Revisited. I included the flyer below. It is going to rock like 1000 flying Dunlendings!

Please abide by basic LARP rules. Also, if you’re interested, you can only come as an Orc or Uruk Hai ? we need the bodies, but have all the other character’s taken and it gets ugly if more than one Saruman tries to crash the Battle of Hornburg.

As an FYI we will also have a movie sized collectors edition poster for every person that joins.

Cyadi sai mi o saesi -- hope to see you there! -- Legolas


I was banned from Rivals. So I can only edit these posts. Sorry fellows. I will go back to Council of Elrond where I am welcome. Farewell my friends!

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